Cally Skinner

AS Media

Candidate number:

My first photo shoot for my front page

These were a few images I took on my first shoot. from my research I planned on doing girls jumping in the air with their results, however this didnt work and i began to explore other ideas, taking into consideration my research; i took a photo of the girls holding their results up which was influenced by my research of photos. i incorporated the building as the photo i analysed did however i feel it doesnt quite mix together for the front image of a magazine. I adapted my photo research by ensuring each image i took was portrait so it was in the format of a magazine front page.

The shutter speed could be changed to ensure the jumping image was crisp, however when taking these images i began to change my opinion and favour my other researched images over my initial influence.

These images were influenced by my research, i followed the same poisitioning of the models in my chosen images i analysed and enorporated them into my photographs. I prefer the shot that is looking down on them rather than over their shoulders. because i feel the girl blocking the shot when its over her shoulder gives a sense of a blocked image.

This image was my favourite of the whole shoot, the angle is looking up to them and ensuring they are the main focus of the image. The angle draws the viewer in and draws attention to the results in their hand, i feel this works better than the images of the girls jumping, therefore my varied research helped once i had narrowed my ideas down. The problem with this image is the hair in front of the girls faces, i will get them to pin it back next time so their faces are visible.
The positioning of the girls is successful due to the height size being arranged; the tallest girls are sounding the shortest girl to draw the eye in and make it visually pleasing as the height descends as the camera angle does.

My research was successful due to it identifying the many angles and shots there are to photograph a subject of the same topic. I feel it prepared me to change my intial idea and made me more open to change. My images are clearly influenced by my research and show a journey of how i got to my final image of my first shoot - i will have another shoot to refine my idea and try improve the image... i will ensure i use the same girls to show continuety throughout my work.

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