Cally Skinner

AS Media

Candidate number:

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I researched my chosen genre carefully to ensure I knew how to present that genre through my magazine to furthermore attract the social groups that are interested in this particular genre. I determined a particular social group I was going to target after I created an array of mood boards, due to the recent rock bands being more indie/alternative, I decided to follow the path of the old rock stars and rock legends that are still heavily famous for their previous work. This made my social group older men around and above their 30’s as these are the ones that will have experienced these rock heroes. However due to rock music being so broad the most famous artists are the older generation therefore both genders and mixes of ages would be interested in this magazine as rock music is so generic and recognised.

I will represent this age category by
representing the reader through my images, as I targeted older men with long hair and beards as they fit the rock image I researched for my mood boards.

I created a video on Windows Movie Maker to illustrate
how I represent particular social groups in an alternative media style. I have chosen the main image of my front page that I took myself and compared it with an image on the front page of KERRANG! I have concentrated on different aspects of these photos to show the similarities and differences in them. This highlights how I was influenced by the professional image as our genres are the same yet how I also changed my image to focus on my older social group compared to the social group KERRANG! targets.

I have specifically
cropped areas of the photo to enhance the similarities visually to highlight how the images relate and how they differ in terms of the slight different social groups targeted.

The comparison of the two images will show similar aspects such as;
- posture
- props
- angle
- shot type (moving image, on stage, performing.)
- Lighting
- costume
- expression

- hair

Yet it will also show the
- age of the model
- facial hair
- colour tones on stage due to different lighting.

* Refer back to my research throughout my magazine areas as I have specifically outlined areas of what I aimed to incorporate from my research and include in my own images.


These images are similar as I refined my research and determined the most successful way to shoot my image, however the different aspects in terms of the lighting and facial hair was development as I chose my own colour scheme through my editing and chose an older model for my social group.

These are
similar as the colours of their clothes and hair make the lighting of the models very similar, they are both in front of lights as the professional image has the brighter light behind his head and my model has it beside his head in the top corner. The colour of the lighting is slightly different as mine has had the brightness and contrast increased as well as the colour tones all done using Photoshop this gave it a green/blue tone as I wanted it to be striking and create a live atmosphere.

Angle/Shot Type.
The shot used for both of these images are both
moving shots taken live on stage therefore they are identical in terms of the type of photograph they are. It is a low, mid shot which looks up at the artists, giving it a low angle. There are no distractions in the background and the light hasn’t corrupted the image.

There are
similarities between the hair of the models as they are both black and curly yet also wild and unruly as the light accentuates this by shining through it on both images. The make-up is subtle yet the professional photo has used eye make-up to accentuate that feature, my model didn’t wear any make-up as he was actually performing and they aren’t known for wearing make-up whereas Green Day (the band in the professional image) are known for wearing heavy eye make-up. The eye make-up adds another feature however my added feature is a beard therefore they are balanced.

costume of the professional photograph uses a blazer, however I was targeting the older rock generation therefore a leather jacket fitted the target social group better. However they have similar features as the lapels are placed in an identical position which is clearly visible making the costumes relate.
I used
a guitar as the prop as done in the professional photo as this is stereo-typical of a rock star. The angle of the guitar is almost identical as are the hands placed on the strings, yet mine has the head of the guitar as a feature as it fills the empty space adding more interest.

stance and positioning of both these images are very similar as they both have the same shoulders pressed forward giving their bodies the same angle towards the camera. They have both tilted their heads and averted their gaze in the exact same direction. Their guitars are at the same angle yet slightly changed in my own image as both hands are on the guitar. Their mouths are both open in similar ways which makes their expression and posture match almost identically.

Overall I feel my media product represents my chosen social group due to the aspects of a professional photograph aimed at a similar group being included in my own image, yet altered in terms of age and clothing to ensure it has been slightly refined to my older social group.

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