Cally Skinner

AS Media

Candidate number:

Annotation of a second school magazine

Annotation of a second school magazine

As I am focusing my own magazine on success I feel the magazines I have chosen supports my theme. I feel the shot showing their certificates and smiles hints success and would be something I would take ideas from for my own main image. The hint of success is complimented by the short slogan ‘celebrating 100 years of excellence.’
The green stands out well and ties in with the green of the flower stems, however I feel the yellow doesn’t stand out as much and has to be looked at closely to be read.

This magazine is clearly a school magazine from the first glance, I would aim to make mine that clear, however I would use an improved layout for indicating what the magazine had inside.
The colours in the image are mundane which helps the writing stand out, however the uniform colours ties in with the text colour, this could have made it harder to read yet I feel it is a success on this magazine and ties the imagery and text in together.
The uniform on show is an important aspect; I would use the uniform as a main feature of my front image.
This magazine is unclear in a main feature, as shown by the bottom text box it includes a lot of information from a wide range, I feel the front cover should cater more towards this by maybe using more than one image or using one with a clearer message.

Despite it not being a crowded image the photo has a lot of detail to look at such as the flowers, certificates, uniform and the people in the photo, yet it is unclear what is the main feature… the girls or the certificates – I feel for my own image I would make the story the image tells clearer.


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