Cally Skinner

AS Media

Candidate number:

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Evaluation 6 from cally2

This SlideShare highlights the technologies I have learnt to use to construct my product. These technologies were some I had no previous experience with therefore I had to experiment with the tools to ensure I extracted the best results the technologies had to offer.

To construct this product it relied heavily on the technologies within the process as this was how the successes were produced and constructed.

I learnt to incorporate new technologies into my work as I was familiar with other methods of doing things therefore I had to change the technique to simply change the size of an image as I was familiar with dragging the image whereas InDesign uses the tool 'scale'. This highlights the learning process involved in the new technologies compared to my previous processes I relied on.

Constructing this product relied on the production techniques from InDesign and PhotoShop and the product relied on Blogger to present it. These programmes used a lot of trial and error and research to ensure I was aware of how to use them successfully.

Blogger has been one of the main pieces of software I used all the way through the construction of my magazine. Each piece of work needed to be uploaded and put onto my blog. This meant I had to learn how to use this technology very quickly. This was quite daunting as it is a piece of software which I was not very familiar with, I encountered various problems such as the restriction of pages this meant i had to research how to create pages from posts which were unlimited. Blogger allowed me to make the blog the way I  wanted it to be and it allowed me to use it to the best of my abilities.

Photoshop 7.0 was a large technology used in the designing and construction of my magazine because I used this technology to improve every image that has been placed on my final pages. I was familiar with the concept of this programme as I am a photography student however I knew I had a lot to learn as this graphical work is essential in the success of my magazine visually. I edited my photographs to make them appear more professional and attract my target audience to the magazine. With my knowledge of the software and the ability to incoporate new ideas and techniques I was able to manipulate the photographs to ensure a high quality final result.

I was comfortable with the images of the product as I am a photography student therefore I was aware of how to use the lighting and sheet props as well as the right camera and angles to capture the image successfully. However, I had to improve my PhotoShop skills to ensure the raw product wasn't hindered by the editing. This shows how I learnt things on top of my previous knowledge.

By using PhotoShop I was able to improve my images as I became aware of the 'clone tool,' this removed any bad part of the image by cloning the good area. This improved the construction of my product as a good image wasn't hindered with a bad feature. This new skill was used on my front page as the head was too far up the page therefore I had to clone the empty space to make the image longer so that the title could fit at the top of the page as I had researched and planned.

As you can see from my SlideShare and my previous experiences I have Incorporated new knowledge and technologies to ensure the construction of my product was of the highest standard possible. However, taking the technologies further allowed me to use them for my evaluations which presented the construction of the magazine. This shows how learning new technologies allows you to improve the level of work you produce and furthermore, how you produce it.  

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