Cally Skinner

AS Media

Candidate number:

Annotation of a second focused image.

Annotating a variety of images will ensure I have the skills and ideas I need to make my own image a success.
Positives of this image:

- The people being shot are showing a clear emotion giving the audience a sense of how they feel.
- Their results are the main focus which hints success, I feel by using a shot showing results it can give a good first impression of the magazine.
 - Their schools sign showing the name in the background is a good use of background imagery because it promotes the school and could even be used as the magazines title.
- The lighting is impressive, there is no dark shadows and each person is clear in the image.
- I like the mix of genders and appearances used. I wont be able to do this because my magazine is focussed on a girls school however I feel it is successful.

Negatives of this image:
- I feel the camera angle could be lower so we are looking up at them and giving the image more depth.
- I prefer the shots with people in uniform, therefore I would use the younger school years rather than the sixth form because I feel it looks more professional and indicates what the magazine is for.
- I would use a better layout to give more meaning to the image, I feel it is plain and not as eye catching as a front page image should be.

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