Cally Skinner

AS Media

Candidate number:

Thursday 3 January 2013

Picture research

This photograph is pretty stationary as if he has stopped to pose for the image, it isn’t capturing a moment or a moving image therefore the atmosphere can not be felt through the image.

Making the photo black and white benefits the image as his white shirt and dark guitar contrast each other successfully. The shadows and glimpse of objects in the background produces curiosity without obstructing the main focus. This editing ensures the model isn’t lost within the background of the picture.

The clothes relate to the rock genre due to the chains and how the shirt is done up. However I feel the glasses are unsuccessful as they don’t fit the rest of the image, they make the model look out of place within the scene he’s in. I feel from my research I would prefer an old rock star with facial hair as that to me produces the rock genre more than this clean shaven young man.

I feel this would suit a magazine cover due to the layout and position of it as writing could go down the left side without covering the image however I wanted to capture a photo that seemed un posed and un planned – literally capturing a moment that was as unexpected to the photographer as it would be to the reader.

These images show an old rock star as I had planned for my own images, the beard and long hair is similar to that of my models. Once again the models tattoos and clothing promotes the rock genre and the atmosphere of the magazine.

The lighting is successful as the editing is subtle and works on the colours of the image rather than drastically change it. The lighting in the one with the blue tint is successful as the lighting is known to be obscure at concerts therefore it feels more realistic now.

The position is successful of each as the
mic doesn’t obstruct the face, and the facial features are clear. The blue one uses the angle as if looking up to the performer which is what people would do when he is on stage therefore making the viewer feel part of the image.

The images are successful  and would benefit the magazine as the layout could go down the side of each as there is room without obstructing main aspects of the images. There are corners available for the title and clear enough colours to produce a layout with different colours that stand out against the images.

This image is similar to how I feel my own would turn out as the lights on stage effects the lighting captured. However this image shows how the colour can benefit the image as his clothes are similar colours and black and white wouldn’t suit the image as the shadows would be lost along with the atmosphere captured.

This image uses colour to benefit it as the lights show how the purple is what you would have seen if at the concert, this is better than editing it to be black and white as people would see this image as it is if present at the concert not black and white.

The guitar and facial expression promotes a moment being captured as it isn’t staged or posed it is a spur of the moment shot which generates a message of its own. The shadows are successful as the image feels more pure and professional.
The angle and position is successful as the
mic doesn’t obstruct his face and the lighting doesn’t over expose the image as it is behind him.
This would be a good front cover image however the layout of it is the problem as it isn’t long enough to fill the wide space of a magazine without obstructing the image by stretching it. Therefore this shows the importance of the size as it needs to fit a magazines front page.

This photo is capturing a moment similar to what I would like to do, the angle allows the background to produce an atmosphere without over crowding the main aspect. The angle allows the face to be backed onto the black area which benefits the photo as in front of the bright orange may distort the exposure of the image.

The position of the model is successful as the guitar is a main feature as I had planned for within my research. The tattoos, clothing and appearance gives the message of a rock star. His tattoos and skull ring promotes a stereotypical idea of rock stars which improves this photo as it achieves an audience visually as people relate to the rock star image and understand what the magazine will entail.

I feel this wouldn’t be a successful front cover image as the position and angle benefits the photo however it wouldn’t benefit the layout as their isn’t enough room around the photo to include the information therefore the image would be obstructed if you tried to include headlines and titles.

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