Cally Skinner

AS Media

Candidate number:

Thursday 17 January 2013

My shoot analysed

Some of these images work better than others however at a concert its hard to capture the right image every time, the ones that do work are the ones that used extreme editing as the originals didn't appear successful however after editing they became my main images. Due to my model being controlled by his concerts i had only two days to capture my images as the concert was moving to Madrid. This was better than one day as i managed to get a change of clothes and a different scene in some of my images so that i got a type of second shoot. Therefore my research and preparation was crucial to capture the images correctly during the chances i had.

A selection of my photographs.
This doesn't work well as the blue tint is too powerful compared to the others where the colour tones benefits the image.

 This image isn't the right layout for my magazine and the bright light takes the eye away from the image which wouldn't be successful on a front page as the main focus is the artist. I feel the guitar isn't as focused as it should be, i plan for it to be more included in my image as my research shows.

This image is partially successful as the guitar and body is captured evenly, however to create a clearer image the colour tone had to be altered, therefore the increase in blue to make the clothes appear darker and remove the background made the image less successful as the colour tone is overpowering. However the facial expression and crazy facial hair is successful as from my research i knew to incorporate it to replicate the rock genre.

 This image was on the second set, his beard isn't as successful as it is plaited and less free, however this is successful as the background helps create a mood however for a front page it is too busy yet a two page spread would be sufficient as it includes more features. The lighting is good as the camera was already put into a black and white setting therefore the image was captured successfully using the camera's setting.

 This image is clear in the message it produces yet for a front page the face is too covered, as a moving image it will blur when made larger therefore my final image will need to be a large size with a correct zoom already. The colour tone is a bit too false as the light is reflecting off his face rather than reflecting behind him. Therefore part of his body is a different colour as the light is focusing on one half of his body.

 This image is successful in capturing a moment and introducing a mood however the image was changed in Photoshop as i changed it into a sepia effect. This altered the colour tones, the light is visible from the side of his body and the side of his face which overpower it slightly. The guitar is more involved yet the top of it is cut off which isn't as successful as i would of liked.

This is the original of my front page image as you can see the editing improved it by altering the colour tone it gave it a better feeling and clearer vibe. The original is quite bland yet it is successful as it is a crisp image with the light in a perfect position to ensure the facial features are illuminated not corrupted.
 This is the edited version it has a clear vibe and the guitar is prominent as i had planned, the moving image captures a moment and the editing allows the smoke and light to produce an eerie texture that makes it seem more dark and sinister... a tone common to the rock genre.

 As seen by the original the image is too red as the light was captured corrupting the features of my model. This needed editing to create more light on the face as his perfect expression is lost.
 This is the edited version; the face is clearer and the features are showing a message as it is truly capturing a moment that would make a person feel as if they are there. The image was put into an 'Old photo' setting to lower the red colour tone in the original. If the guitar was a bigger part of the image it would be more successful for my magazine front cover.

This original is again too red therefore i used the same methods as the previous image to remove the colour tone and replace it with a darker, sinister tone. The guitar is more prominent yet i feel the top part of the guitar is the best aspect, due to it being captured on a zoom setting his other arm has been removed which i feel isn't successful.

 This version is a large improvement the 'Old photo' editing option benefits it as the whole image becomes more eye catching. It is perfect in capturing a tone and a message of being free yet it isn't successful as a front page image due to his face being turned down.

This is the original of Deans band mate - i took these as i planned on including images for the front cover that promoted free posters inside. Therefore i included images of his band mates. The colour tone isn't obstructing yet the editing improved it.
This is the edited version i used an 'Old photo' effect as it was successful on the other shots. the light has been exposed to highlight the smoke behind him. This is a successful image improved using editing methods that really create a tone and message, however it isn't as 'ROCK' as Deans as his beard and hair is more controlled... it has more of a folk theme to it, however for a small feature on the front page it will be successful.

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