Cally Skinner

AS Media

Candidate number:

Wednesday 5 December 2012

The magazine title is bold and related to the colour, font and boldness as the rest of the writing. This ensures it fits with the tone of the front page. The guitar overlaps the ‘E’ to give the image a feeling of depth as if it is 3D and standing in front of the text when the image was taken.

The sub-title is effective as it draws the eye to the rest of the text.

The main text is large and eye catching and captures the reader. The mix of fonts and colours compliments it as it seems different yet matches somehow. There is a difference in fronts, italics, boldness and underlining – the mix of all ensures the attention is given to this text.

The use of an instrument represents the genre of the magazine this is a success and something I will take forward on my own front page.

The colour scheme works well the blue, white and black doesn’t clash and ensures the writing stands out and is easy to read. The black background is successful as the image is black and white therefore it sets a tone to the image that goes further than the facial expression. I feel the use of having three set colours for the magazine is useful as it is visually pleasing.

The use of the word ‘unseen’ makes the reader feel as if they are getting something unique from this magazine to encourage them to purchase it. By including the page numbers it makes it look professional.

The bizarre, distinctive position of the guitar ensures the image has a further meaning and has more depth as a successful photograph. It makes the reader interested at first glance to provide a purchase.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

The image covers some of the title and writing behind it which is something I wouldn’t want my image to do as people aren’t aware of what my magazine is called however KERRANG is popular enough for people to recognise.

The image is once again taking mid-performance which I feel is a success and makes the magazine look as if it deserves more interest.

The large writing blocks some of the picture which I don’t feel looks attractive however many magazines have done this therefore to follow this trend it may be beneficial to do it on my own as the professional ones have been successful with it.

The text is a mix of three colours theme once again; white, yellow and red. The red ties in with the outfit the artist is wearing which is something I will take into consideration for photographing my own artist.
I don’t feel the images at the side of the page is something my magazine should include however it has been done successfully and doesn’t corrupt the image or visual aspect at all. I just feel the front page should have one main image rather than an array of images. However the two beneath the main artist work well therefore I might research that layout further to determine how I want my own.

Monday 3 December 2012

This magazine has another artist in action which I feel is the way I want my magazine to go, the lighting is similar with a light behind his head and shoulders. This works well on both magazines and would be something I would look to achieve in my own images.

The title is eye catching yet the ‘ENEMY’ being the exact same takes focus away from it which is unsuccessful.

The sub title is corrupted by the circle of information as the image is corrupted by the large text over it, I feel this doesn’t work as the image should be the main focus and should be complimented by the writing not covered by it.

The colour theme is three once again; red white and yellow. It works well however the red shouldn’t have been used for the title as well as the large letters as it takes away the focus from the main aspects; title and image.

The text is successful around the image and the use of quotes from an interview inside is an attractive addition as it gives the magazine something extra for the reader to want to open the magazine and further purchase it.

This front page has 2 other images on it, they don’t take away as much focus as I would have thought and do compliment it partially well due to the way they have been placed and bordered, however for my own front page I prefer my other magazine research with only one image on the front page.

The bar code and text boxes don’t affect the image as it has done on others and the mix of colours on the same section of text is successful on all magazines which is something I would take forward on my own.

Sunday 2 December 2012

This magazine has a successful title as it has a different design that goes beyond a simple font, it is eye catching and different which makes it successful in making people remember the name of their magazine.

The colour is similar to other magazines I have researched on each one the title has worked when it is white therefore I could take this forward on my own magazine.

The background colour isn’t very pleasing however the light source behind the image works well and makes the eye focus on the face of the artist, it almost frames his head and makes it withstanding from the text. I feel the colour doesn’t fit very well yet the shading of the colour is successful.

I like how the image captures a moment as he is actually shown to be playing his guitar as if in the middle of a concert, his face represents this well and makes the reader feel part of the concert and make them want to read about it as they have now seen an image from it.

The colour theme is again a mix of three main colours; white, yellow and green. It works well as it all fits with each other and clashes in a good way however I feel the position of the test and the way it obstructs the image doesn’t work, I would prefer mine to be lined up and framing the image rather than being over it.
The information is fun and capturing and in the style that would make their reader want to read on. I feel this magazine is more for teenagers as the language used represents it such as ‘WTF?!’

The information has been put in a different format with backgrounds and large extras added on such as the ‘PLUS!’ boxes.

The top line of information is successful on this magazine as it was on the one before because it gives it a border which is similar to the one at the bottom, framing the image and the text.

Saturday 1 December 2012

The front page image has the guitars in an unconventional way my analysis has been on two magazines with this method however I prefer the images that have been taken mid action with the guitars actually being played, therefore I will follow that on in my research to produce one similar to it. 

The colour scheme is similar to my previous magazine research there is three main colours; black, white and green. They work well with each other however the green is a bit too bright for the small text. It does assure me that I want 3 different colours on my front page image as visually it gives it more depth and increases the interest to read it.

The writing looks crammed in the corner and doesn’t make me want to read it, I will use methods from the NME magazine and use a variety of bold, italics and underlined fonts to separate the text because I feel it makes it easier to read.

The top of the magazine acts as a border to the image and text which works well as it fits in the colour scheme and gives the reader something visual to look at rather than just text surrounding the main image.

The left side works well as the writing doesn’t obstruct the image and almost frames it in a way however the right side looks unattractive as it has too much going on and the colour theme becomes altered as it adds other colours that doesn’t work as well in it.

The black background works well with the clothes and guitars and also the tone the image produces.

The bar code obstructs the image yet is in line with the text.

The title is large and eye catching as the colour isn’t replicated much on the magazine, it stands out and makes the image have more depth as it blocks some of the letters giving the illusion of the image almost being 3D.

The models are successful as it relates to the model i will be using, as the beard, hair, and age are similar to that of my own model, therefore this helps me identify how to shoot my model. However the other magazines researched help as they are moving images on stage as mine would be. Therefore both methods of research help determine my own magazine as i will be using moving stage images of an old rock star.